Title: Aquatic Habitat Technician (Temporary)
Roxbury, VT, US
How to Apply
Do not apply to this job posting online, your application will not be considered. To apply: Send a cover letter describing experience, interest in the position and career goals; resume; and name and contact information for two references to Will Eldridge at William.Eldridge@vermont.gov. Interviews will begin February 15, 2025 and continue until the position is filled.
For questions about this position, contact: Will Eldridge at William.Eldridge@vermont.gov.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department announces an exciting opportunity to help with aquatic habitat restoration and fisheries management work in Vermont! The position will be based out of the Roxbury office, and focus on aquatic habitat monitoring, restoration, and field assessments. Tasks may include, but are not limited to, culvert and bridge assessments for AOP and geomorphic compatibility, tree planting and monitoring, and instream wood addition. The technician may also help with fish management work including trout stocking, water temperature monitoring, electrofishing surveys, and fish community monitoring. A successful candidate will be expected to work as part of a team and independently after training. The technician will be expected to lift 50lbs and work outdoors under adverse weather conditions. This temporary position is limited to 1280 hours (contingent on funding) and may be renewed in 2026.
Associate's Degree or higher in biological-life, or physical sciences, math or natural resources field, OR high school diploma or equivalent and two years of work experience in engineering, a biological-life or physical science, math, or natural resources field. The successful candidate will possess excellent organizational skills, be self-motivated, familiar with the collection and entry of data and interact courteously with the general public. A valid driver’s license is required. Experience with Microsoft Office and GIS is desired.
Equal Opportunity Statement
Nearest Major Market: Vermont